next 10 books that changed my life

In my previous blog I wrote on 10 books that inspired me to start my journey of personal growth.  I learned that mindset and a daily morning routine centered on growth was where I had to begin.  I started listening to the chatter in my head and all the negativity, fear, and doubt that was ingrained.  I really had a lot of work to do on the mind and gaining control of it.  Awareness is the first step to change.  I didn’t believe everything it was telling me but I had no idea how to stop the thoughts and change them to create a new life. 

1.      The Key to Living the Law of Attraction by Jack Canfield

2.      Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook by Louise L. Hay

These were two great workbooks that really get you thinking.  I also discovered Hay House and all the wonderful spiritual authors. 

3.      Wishes Fulfilled, Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer is one I began to follow and listen to many interviews that I found. What an exceptional human being that inspired so many great people. 

The next book I found had to do with mindset around money, which I constantly struggle with.  So many mentors speak of the effects this book had on them and a must read.  I read it again recently and this time it finally resonated with me.  My old thoughts just wouldn’t let me believe that money could be created this way.  Desire?  Whatever. 

4.      Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The next author discovered was from a podcast.  I needed to learn more about how to shift my mindset.  I was still struggling in believing in myself and that life could change just by changing my thoughts. 

5.      The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani

I really like his reference to the “Brules- The bullshit rules that we adopt to simplify our understanding of the world.”  It’s a great explanation on limiting beliefs that were handed down to us by our upbringing, people, and environment we were raised in.  This was probably the first time that I started questioning my beliefs.  But in the end, it still came back to how do I convince my mind to stop with the negative, self-defeating thoughts?  Vishen’s idea is to become “unfuckwithable”.  Easier said than done, but I’ll start working on that. 

6.      Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

This was my first Tony book. (that guy that was in Shallow Hal was a real guy? Interesting.)  If I was going to be “unfuckwithable”, I needed to awaken the giant within.  I used to be a strong leader and get everything I wanted, but that was a long time ago.  I need my power back.  My biggest takeaway from Tony was to recognize the emotions that come up with your thoughts.  I didn’t notice the way my body felt when these thoughts entered my mind.  Great. Something else to think about.  Now I have to recognize the limiting thoughts AND the feelings AND figure out how to change them??  Wow this is a lot of work.  But I have no choice if I am going to change my life. 

7.      Money, Mastering the Game by Tony Robbins

8.      You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

9.      Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T.  Kiyosaki

10.   The Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller

I was really trying to figure out how to shift my mindset about money.  I took a temp job with a financial investment company and got my real estate at this point.  Let’s see if this is the career shift that changes my life.  My head is filled with ideas and positive thoughts. I hope that something works out because I still don’t know if this is what I’m supposed to be doing in life.  At least my daily habits are moving me forward.  Keep going…   


overcoming limiting beliefs


get out of your own way