rear view mirrors

Quit looking in the rear view mirror has been a theme this week.  A medium friend said it.  My life coach said it.  Every other podcast I listened to this week mentioned it.  OK UNIVERSE, I HEAR YOU!

We can’t change the past and there is a reason it is behind you.  Life happened, lessons learned, move on!  It sounds so simple but we are programmed to react based on past experiences and memories.  The thing we forget is, the future is not based on the past.  Our behaviors and thoughts are learned and subconsciously ingrained.  We have the opportunity and choice to change the outcomes and course of our lives. 

As I’m on the road heading to San Diego from Phoenix, I remember the story I read in “Ask and it is Given” by Abraham Hicks.  He speaks of how as long as you continue to move that direction, eventually you will reach San Diego.  You may get frustrated or lost and turn back around but if you truly desire to be in San Diego, you will use your resources to get there.  Another great analogy I learned was how life is like the game Chutes and Ladders.  The ladders and slides are the unexpected detours that change your route, but eventually you get to the “finish”.  This is true with everything in life.  From no money to financial abundance.  No relationship to loving perfect relationship.  Don’t let the setbacks and frustrations stop you from reaching your goals. 

There is no perfect route or plan to living the life you always dreamed of.  The successes are in the journey and continuing to learn and move forward.  You are exactly where you are supposed to be.  Quit looking the rear view mirror and keep your eyes on the road.  If the route changes or you get lost, look around and find what the Universe is presenting to you.  There is a reason for it and you may need that lesson later.  Keep going.  You are headed the right way.


book reading beginnings


solo trippin